Episode 21: Podcaster Miguel "Migs" Reyes talks fitness as a sobriety tool

Family. Faith. Fitness. They’re the three cornerstones of Miguel Reyes‘ recovery program, and they’re the reason he’s celebrating three years of sobriety.

If you enjoy a good story, you’re going to love spending an hour with “Migs”. There’s the one about the drug deal gone bad. There’s a couple of stories of him thinking he’d duped Johnny Law, only to be called out on his bullshit. The best story, though, is the one where he looked into his newborn’s eyes and decided enough was enough. He was getting clean for good.

Pretty quickly, “Migs” built running into his recovery program, and when he broke his ankle, he buoyed his spirits by creating the online community Staying Fit ODAAT. Today, the Facebook group is 650 strong. Last year, he launched a podcast by the same name. The community he’s created, the family, really, has become yet another pillar on which his sobriety is built.

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Our conversation with Migs was presented by Gateway Foundation. If drugs and alcohol are starting to take over your life, or the life of someone you love, it’s time to be honest and enlist some help. Gateway offers life-saving inpatient services, as well as virtual treatment. Call 877-505-HOPE to schedule a consultation, or visit gatewayfoundation.org for more information.


Episode 22: Dawn Kepler, 21 years sober, builds college recovery community


Episode 20: War vet, former first-responder Ryan Mains on PTSD