Episode 35: Ultrarunner extraordinaire Pam Rickard talks recovery

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Pam Rickard has tackled more than 100 marathons and ultra-marathons. She's run across the Gobi Desert, and she was on a six-member Icebreaker Run team that ran across the United States to increase awareness of the importance of mental health.

Pam exudes gratitude and joy, and calls herself "obnoxiously optimistic." But who wouldn't be after racking up 15 years of sobriety and tens of thousands of miles? She's made it her life's goal of helping others not only survive addiction, but thrive in sobriety. Through her work with Herren Project, she's raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to increase access to treatment and counseling for those who are suffering.

In this complicated world, Pam keeps her mantras simple: Grow some good today. Do the next right thing. And even when the road ahead looks rocky, be grateful that you get to run on it.

This episode was presented by Mindful Marathon. Exercise is medicine, and pediatrician/running coach Michelle Quirk is ready to write a prescription. Whether you’re training for your first 5K or looking to tackle an ultramarathon, she will build an individualized plan and be at your side from start to finish. Schedule a free consultation today at mindful-marathon.com.


Episode 36: Documentary artist Robyn Symon talks physician burnout


Episode 34: Influencer Christina Kimbrough on sobriety, eating disorders