Episode 37: Relentless runner, advocate Kimmey Hill talks sobriety

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Kimmey Hill earned the nickname “Bulldozer” as a kid, and the name still fits. When she sets her mind to something, nothing is going to stop her.

Two years ago, she committed to saving her own life by getting sober. Despite a debilitating knee injury, she’s committed to running a half-marathon in every state. And she’s dedicated her life to bulldozing the patriarchy, bigots, and anyone who gets in the way of equal opportunities for EVERYone.

No matter what battles lie ahead, every day starts the same for Kimmey. She’s grateful to still be here, to be able to run, and to live to fight another day.


Episode 38: Social worker, social justice champion Denise Williams


Episode 36: Documentary artist Robyn Symon talks physician burnout